Redesign from the ground up the iconic Finnish interior textile brand Finlayson’s e-commerce site to elevate and strengthen the brand experience and digital sales. An e-commerce experience as smooth as Egyptian cotton.




Finlayson Oy


Agency Leroy


Brand Experience, E-commerce Consultant, User Experience

about the project
challenge & Solution

As the e-commerce industry continued to evolve at a crazy pace, the Finlayson team knew they needed to take action. They recognized the importance of a smoother transition to the digital realm and decided to rebuild their e-commerce site.

Collaborating with Finlayson to remodel their e-commerce site on Shopify was a pleasure. The company's strong portfolio of products, clear vision, and dedicated team resulted in a smooth and effortless collaboration. Together, we set out to create a platform that would not only showcase their products but also fostered a connection between customers and the company's values.

The new shop was created through the use of e-commerce best practices, data and insights gathered over time, and a focus on creating a smoother user experience. As the webshop itself became more inspirational, solid, and user-friendly, we assisted in a significant increase in conversion rate, with a growth of 45 percent. Additionally, the webshop's new design kept visitors engaged, resulting in a 14 percent increase in time spent browsing the new site.

With a few tweaks, re-imaginations, and a little magic, Finlayson was ready for the future.